Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Lidiaana is the 'Happy Monday Girl' #AfroliciousMonday

Hi Guys,

I hope you are all well.

I am not even going to apologise for writing a blog once in 6 weeks,...I know I have to be more consistent....but anyway.....I have new goals to achieve for next year and being more consistent is one of them.

Ok, so this is just a message to say thank you to all of you. In the last couple of months people have started referring to me as the 'Happy Monday Girl' LOL. I find it so funny, ....they then ask me 'and what's your real name?' Haha. 

I like it though, and it makes me happy to know that people watch it and that it makes them happy as well.

You can watch some of them here. www.lidiaana.com

 Thank you

and keep watching


Instagram @lidiaanamusic  #AfroliciousMonday

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