I remember from back in the day, when I was in College - that it was so much harder for me to be respected for my 'beats'. Even today, it's still hard to get the respect I deserve.
Nicki Minaj literally summed it up in a 3minutes interview, what I go through sometimes. Unfortunately the music industry is still a male dominated industry.
No matter what people think about Nicki - I respect her for all of the statements within this video.
I don't rest - even when I go out , as this is another opportunity to network. I don't even have a so called 'weekend' cause that's when I have to do all my coursework or rehearsals.
Don't get me wrong I enjoy it - I love my life and I love to be really successful in the future.
...the more I am being disrespected for working hard or being a 'femaleBoss' the better it makes me.
Therefore ---thank you xxx
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