Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Lidiaana at the Ultimate Seminar...Nov 2012

Hi everyone,

How is everything going? I hope it's all good.

Last week, was a very productive week for me.

I am currently working on this really amazing Business Plan.

I love my proposal ,...I really do ;-) and I hope that I will find enough Sponsors to help me make my dream come true.
So, I have been basically calling loads of different organisations, sending out emails etc,....well , together with my PR Representative Sarah Rayner . She is fabulous!!!

Anyways, so it's quite exciting to be thinking like a business person at times, rather than "only" being creative.

All right I will get to the point - THE ULTIMATE SEMINARRRRRR

How was it? It was very informative. I met new people, had the chance to listen to many peoples' experiences and got some great advice.

This was my third time at this unique Event, but this time it was different. I remember going there in 2010 and 2011 and I was like -

OMG I feel so inspired !!!!! /// There's so much I need to start doing from now on .... /// From today on I am going to change this and that etc.

But this time - I felt a bit more accomplished. I have learned a lot and I believe the advice from people such as Wretch32, Delilah, Tim Blacksmith was brilliant. Through university, experience and networking I have gotten to the point were I understand what Lawyers, Journalists, Artists, Managers on the Panel, were talking about.

I feel that I have done many of the things they were talking about e.g. release a video, collaborate, release a CD, tour...things that I could only have dreamed about only a few years back.

This made me feel very good and I was able to see that my standards have raised over the last years. I'm more confident in myself as an artist and the things that used to be future aims are  happening right now! It makes me very excited.

I am looking forward to the next Ultimate Seminar.

Much love,


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