Sunday, 18 November 2012

Lidiaana in Toronto - Part 1

Yeah, yeah, yeah ...I was in Toronto!
Omg - and it was absolutely amazing.

I am not sure where to start ..well...

...Till 2010 I was a really organised person and so NOT spontaneous. I would never do anything, unless it was properly planned. Well, that was the old me :-)

The NEW me crazy and To keep it short - I called up my cousin (Actor Samuel Mekonnen) to tell him that I am going to buy a ticket to visit him in Toronto. However, he couldn't answer the phone, as he was in St. Louis (USA) at that time - Well, I didn't really care I called up an old friend, who lives in Toronto too and told him that I am definitely coming and that I need a place to crash.
He said yes ;-) - ....and I bought the ticket 4 days before the actual flight date...spontaneous ,

I knew that I needed to do some shopping (Women always find a reason to go shopping haha), so I got myself a couple of warm jackets, sweatshirts, boots, know - All that winter stuff, cause I assumed that Canada is really cold.

Well, it was hotter than Fuerteventura (That's where I was the week before). At the Airport I met my old good friend Aharon, whom I haven't seen for 10 years. The minute we got out of the Airport, I thought that I was going to die - as it was too hot! 
I mean , it was really, really HOT!!

Why? Whyyyyy? Did I buy all that Winter stuff??? Why?

Dear Readers, this is to let you know, that Toronto is hot in the summer. Really Hot!
It was 42 degrees Celsius to be precise and very humid.

Please don't think that I went with no plan to Toronto - I knew that I was going to do 2 music videos, a couple of performances, to sell some of my eritrean CD Adey , networking with other Artists, meeting Family members, drive down to New York...etc I knew it would all happen at some point during my stay in Toronto, I just didn't know when and how.


An hour later, finally the Reunion. I met Sam, my cousin after 14 long years.

We laughed, cried, screamed - oh man, it was so good to see him. I had really missed him.

I had a jet leg, so I decided to go bed early, but before I went into my room  - Sam told me with a very exciting voice that he was going to go to the OVO.

This is what happened ...
Lidiaana: Eh what?
Sam: You know - October's very own?

Lidiaana: No, I don't know.
Sam: Drake, the Weeknd , everyone is going to be there. It's a concert Lidi.

Lidiaana: Oh wow - How amazing! Drake? -  like Marvin Room's Drake ahhhhh and The Weeknd -- Ufff man - I can't handle that. Wooohooo

 Lidiaana screams and is totally excited. She then asks Sam

Lidiaana: So, when are we going?
Sam: Well, I only got a ticket for myself and Matthew (his cousin)

...and I was like ..

There is more to come ...

.... Lidiaana in Toronto - Part 2 coming soon


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